Dental Care with Braces
Table of Contents
With your teeth covered in metal and wires, or another style of braces, is there any point in seeing your general dentist?
The answer is yes. Not only should you continue your regular checkups, but it is essential that you do. Braces may increase your susceptibility to tooth decay.
The reason: Food particles are easily trapped between the braces and your teeth and they are very difficult for you to remove completely. A power toothbrush and Waterpik help but they don’t do a perfect job. Only your dental hygienist can achieve that.
Note: With Invisalign braces, you can brush and floss normally. However, you need to be sure to keep your trays clean, too.
If you do develop a cavity or other problem while you’re wearing braces, can your general dentist work on your teeth?
The answer again is yes, nearly always. So don’t use braces as an excuse to stay away!
Here are a few facts to know about your dental care during orthodontic treatment:
- Before you begin orthodontic treatment, have your general dentist thoroughly check and clean your teeth and complete any work that’s needed. This is one of the best ways to ensure your teeth stay healthy while you’re wearing braces.
- Keep or increase your regular checkup schedule while you have braces. You may want to see your hygienist three or four times a year to make sure your teeth stay plaque-free.
- According to Delta Dental, the country’s largest dental insurer, food caught in your braces can cause demineralization of your teeth, which makes them more prone to decay. Delta recommends fluoride or a fluoride varnish during orthodontic treatment to help remineralize the teeth and make them more resistant to cavities. If your orthodontist concurs, your dentist can provide this treatment or you can use an over-the-counter fluoride mouth rinse.
- Modern braces do not wrap the teeth but are glued onto the fronts. This leaves plenty of surface open for dental work, if necessary. Depending on the tooth, some fillings can be done without removing the braces. But if a bracket or wire does need to be removed temporarily, the dentist can easily do that without disrupting your orthodontic treatment.
- You can even get a root canal while you’re wearing braces. Often the dentist can access the root from the back of the tooth. As with cavities, part of your braces can be removed, if necessary.
- Crowns, too, can be placed while you’re wearing braces. And you’re also a braces candidate if you already have crowns or bridges. Your orthodontist can advise you on the best treatment.
- The best dental treatment, though, is no treatment other than thorough cleanings. You can do your part to prevent cavities by brushing and cleaning your teeth frequently and avoiding sodas and other known cavity causes. Your orthodontist will tell you what to stay away from, but sweet, sticky foods are a major cause of decay.
Remember: It’s harder to clean that sugary stuff out of your teeth when you have braces.
Whether you’re getting your orthodontic treatment here at Manilla Orthodontics or you have a different doctor, take care of your teeth while you straighten your smile.