Braces Coming Off?

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Happy day! Your braces are finally coming off! No more stabbing wires, orthodontic visits, half-smiling, saying “no” to gooey caramel apples.
After two or so long years, you’re done.
The last thing you probably want to hear from your orthodontist is that, in fact, you’re not finished yet. Every person who completes orthodontic treatment must wear a custom-made retainer for around twelve months – and probably for much longer part of the time.
Don’t be discouraged. The retainer is an important piece of your treatment plan – and it is usually easy to deal with, comfortable and barely visible.
Why do you need a retainer?
As braces move your teeth, the bone, ligaments and gums surrounding them are being shifted, too, and they need time to stabilize into their new positions. If you skip the retainer, your teeth will likely drift back toward their original alignment. Then you would either start all over again or face some of the problems you had before braces.
Orthodontists generally use four types of retainers: Essix, fixed, Hawley and Vivera.
The Essix retainer looks similar to an Invisalign tray – a clear plastic appliance that fits over your teeth. Like Invisalign, it is nearly invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning. For instance, Dr. Freelove, a friend and orthodontist Sammamish WA trusts, chooses this option often for his patients.
The fixed retainer is cemented to the back, or lingual, side of the front six teeth. It too, cannot be seen when you smile, but it is not removable. This type of retainer often is worn for years or even indefinitely. Like us, Dr. Chawla, a top orthodontist Villa Park IL normally chooses this after the gap is closed on upper incisors.
The Hawley retainer is the most commonly seen type – a molded acrylic piece that fits inside your mouth with a wire along the front of the teeth. This retainer can be removed and adjusted.
Vivera is the trade name for retainers made by Invisalign. They look like Invisalign trays and are crafted with the same technology. You don’t have to be an Invisalign patient to wear them – they work with any braces system.
Whichever retainer your orthodontist recommends, it is important to strictly follow instructions for wear and care. Here are some suggestions you may hear from your orthodontist for removable retainers:
- With brief exceptions, wear your retainer all the time. The few occasions when it’s OK to remove it include eating, brushing and sports activities.
- Take it out before you eat. Essix retainers will stain, and any retainer can trap food and plaque. It’s a good idea to keep your retainer case with you for storing when you take it out. Otherwise you could lose it, as many youngsters have done when they tossed out a napkin-wrapped appliance with their lunch trays – or left one in a pocket slated for the wash.
- Rinse and brush your retainer regularly, as you do your teeth. Regular toothpaste is fine. If odor is a problem, you can soak it in a solution of water with a dissolved denture tablet, a process that also can help to disinfect it. Never brush your teeth with your retainer in place.
- Don’t use harsh chemicals. These include bleach and alcohol-based mouthwashes. It’s OK to use baking soda and vinegar. Never boil your retainer or leave it exposed to heat or direct sunlight – you could melt it.
- Store your retainer in a case with airflow. This will help eliminate possible mold and bacteria buildup.
- Don’t try to adjust your retainer yourself. You could break or ruin it. Your orthodontist will gladly fix it for you.
If the next step in your braces treatment is a retainer, congratulations! You now have that beautiful smile and perfect alignment you were looking for. Your retainer is essential to ensure your teeth remain this beautiful and healthy for the rest of your life.